I was interested in the Sproutcore (ref: http://www.sproutcore.com) package that got some attention from the Apple developers conference. (AppleInsider article / MacBreak weekly podcast where Sproutcore is talked about)
Getting it to work on Ubuntu (verison 8.04 for me) took a few steps I thought I would place here. Of course first you need to make sure you have Ruby gems and Rails installed.
apt-get install rubygems rails
one items you may miss to install though is the dev package. Be sure to do
apt-get install ruby1.8-dev
This will show itself when Ruby trys to build native extensions with an error like:
extconf.rb:1:in `require': no such file to load -- mkmf (LoadError)
once you have this done you can do:
gem install sproutcore
and accept all its questions (it will take a while as several packages need to be installed)
At this point you will need to:
cd /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/sproutcore-0.9.10/bin
chmod 755 *
to make these scripts executable and also add this location to your path with:
export PATH=/var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/sproutcore-0.9.10/bin:$PATH
or just add them to your shell init scripts like .bashrc
At this point you can start down the tutorial examples at: http://www.sproutcore.com/documentation/hello-world-tutorial/
take care
After talking with my friend Josh I thought I should add in a little note pointing to information related to Objective-J by 280North of 280Slides development as another data point in some of this Javascript talk.
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